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When should I book my airfare for this retreat? 


You will get a notification once our group is complete for the retreat and can move forward with travel arrangements, please wait for us to notify you. 


In order to arrive in Cusco, Peru the morning of July 5 you will need to start your travel journey on July 4 from the U.S. Most flights from the        U.S. get into Lima, Peru in the evening and flights to Cusco are in the morning. I recommend booking a room at the hotel that is attached to the Lima airport on July 4 so you can get a little sleep (Hotel Costa del Sol Wyndham Lima Aeropuerto) and then arrange a flight that lands in Cusco on the 5th between 9am - noon. I am happy to help with airfare bookings/suggestions just let me know. 


Do I need a travel visa for Peru?


No, If you are a U.S. citizen then you automatically get 90 days travel permission upon arrival to Peru with your passport. 


Do I need trip insurance?


Travel Insurance is not required, but highly recommended. For a trip like this a travel insurance plan averages around $100 to have $10,000+ covered for cancellations, health emergencies, lost luggage etc… It can be a life saver. There are many companies you can purchase travel insurance with, Allianz Travel Insurance is a reputable one. 


What is the altitude in the Sacred Valley?


Most of the trip we are staying based in Ollantaytambo, Peru. The altitude here is 9,160 feet. The highest elevation is in Cusco at 11,152 feet and Machu Picchu will be the lowest elevation we reach at 7,972 feet.


Should I be concerned about altitude sickness? 


Altitude Sickness is unpredictable and is affected by the amount of oxygen in your blood. We are not staying in Cusco (where most people feel the altitude the most) and I have designed the trip to not be too strenuous in order to acclimatize. It is important to drink lots of water and move slowly when first arriving. I recommend Ginkgo Biloba tincture weeks before departure to help with oxygen saturation. Most people do ok with the altitude when taking things slow.  


Am I in good enough health for this retreat and what is the age range?


I have had people in their twenties to their seventies on these trips. The age range of our group will be diverse and the trip is designed for people to be able to take things slow and easy and for those who want more activity will have the option to do hikes/climbs vs transporting by car. You should feel comfortable with light treks, if you are concerned about your ability let me know and we can talk. 


What meals are included in the retreat and can dietary restrictions be accommodated? 


Breakfast is included each day which consists of eggs, toast, fresh fruits, granola, oatmeal, yogurt, juice and coffee. There will be one additional lunch included, all other meals will be up to you to go eat at the many restaurant options in the town- since Ollantaytambo is on the way to Machu Picchu there is a lot of tourism and many restaurants. 


Since most meals you will be eating out at restaurants, many staples in Peru are potatoes, quinoa, meat like chicken, beef, fish and corn. I think it is fairly easy to accommodate gluten free and dairy free diets. 


Retreat Info:


What is a Huachuma, San Pedro Cactus ceremony?


Huachuma or San Pedro is the sacred cactus of the Andes. It is an entheogen and has been used in spiritual ceremonies for centuries. The name in Quechua is Huachuma and it got the name San Pedro after the Spanish conquest. The Catholic church tried to suppress its use, which failed and was given this name as St. Peter holds the keys to heaven, San Pedro allows people to reach heaven while on Earth. 


The cactus is peeled and boiled down into a tea that you drink. It is a heart opening master plant teacher that helps you connect deeper to your spirit, heart and nature. It is gentle and beautiful, we will drink the tea with intention and gratitude amongst the powerful mountains. Like everything in this retreat it is completely optional and you can feel if it’s right for you once we’re together. 

What is an Andean sweat lodge ceremony?


A sweat lodge, also called a Temazcal is a ceremony to cleanse the mind, body and spirit. It is similar to a sauna, but you are sitting in a hut made from natural materials. Hot stones are brought in from the fire to produce the heat and steam and it is dark. The door in and out of the Temazcal can be opened at any time for fresh air or if someone feels too warm and needs to step out. We make sure it’s a safe environment. The Temazcal will be led by Andean curandero, Elder Nunez. It is a beautiful opportunity to set intentions, connect with medicine music, cleanse the body and open your heart and consciousness.

Awakening Journeys 

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